Looking To Sell in Flushing? Here’s Your Ultimate Seller To-Do List!

As busy New York City residents, our lives revolve around lists. Grocery lists, to-do lists, goal lists ... We have a list for everything! Why should selling a home be any different?

If you are looking to sell in Flushing, you have a daunting task ahead. Let's make it manageable with a thoughtful list from the experts (that's us, of course)! Here is our ultimate seller to-do list, complete with everything you need to do to prep your home for a successful sale:

1. Connect with an experienced real estate agent.

If you are looking to sell in Flushing, hiring the right agent is probably the most important thing you can do for a successful sale. A real estate agent will ensure that you don't miss any critical details along the way and will use their expertise to get you the most money for your home.

2. Determine the anticipated cost of selling your home.

News flash: It costs money to sell a home! Are you prepared? Have an honest chat with your real estate agent to determine exactly how much money you will need to support your sale and decide if you are in a financial position to proceed.

3. Work with your agent to set a fair price for your home.

If you are looking to sell in Flushing, your agent will likely use a combination of real estate comps and a home appraisal to price your home. If you don't understand their method, ask questions! It's your investment, so your concerns and input are valuable pieces to the pricing puzzle.

4. Stage your home for success.

It's a proven fact that home staging makes a difference. Clear the clutter, outfit your home in neutral colors and fix the small stuff (loose door handles, cracked cabinets, etc.).

5. Keep up with daily housekeeping.

Don't let all of that home staging go to waste! When you leave home in the morning, make sure your home is ready to accommodate short-notice showings.

Are you looking to sell in Flushing? Contact Flushing Realty for a customized version of this seller's to-do list!

Contact us at (718) 997-6000 or email us here for more information.